Thursday, April 28, 2011

Another New FTU Kit!

Here is ANOTHER FTU Kit.
It is a SMALL kit, but adorable none the less.
I hope you enjoy. Also anything you make with my scraps ... I would LOVE to see your results!

I know the name is corny and I apologize. Just could not think of a name for this .. LOL

New FTU Kit

Here is a FTU Spring Kit. This is for PU ONLY Please!
I Hope you enjoy it. And If you use any of my kits I would LOVE to see your results!

If you have any problems downloading this kit, please let me know!

New Kits

Hey There Everyone!
I have THREE New FTU Kits for you to download and use. I orginally wanted to just make one kit, but than I got a but carried away and again made some really cute elements and papers that just either did not go with the kit, or they felt it would be to much to add them into the kit, so I made a seperate kit.

They are for PU only. But I do hope that you will enjoy them.

I Know this is a bit late, but here is a Happy Easter Kit!