Looking for CT Members!!!
Wanna join my CT Team??
Well I am looking for 2 CT people for my CT Team!!!
Every time I make a NEW kit you will get it and
u never .. I may surprise a CT member with a tube or something
for being AWESOME ;)
Here is what I am looking for:
Reliable, Honest, Caring and Respectful person
U MUST know how to do TWO of the following - Make Tags
Tutorials, Cluster Frames, Blog Layouts and Facebook Timeline Covers.
U must PIMP my kits out.. LOL!!
Advertisement is not a requirement but it would be greatly appreciated :)
If U think u would be interested ...
Send me a e-mail with a sample of your work
Send me a e-mail with a sample of your work
Could be tags, Facebook cover.. Which you like.
to: lapisgin@hotmail.com
Thanks so much♥